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These Secret Foods & Drinks Helped Me Survive Mesothelioma For Over 27 Years...

Recipes From A 27-Year Survivor

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Why You Need This Cookbook

  • Helps Your Loved One live with mesothelioma. Most people feel like there is nothing you can do when a loved one is diagnosed with mesothelioma. But there is plenty you can do to help... starting in your kitchen.

  • Tested By The Longest Living Mesothelioma Survivor - The recipes you will see in this book are all the ones that Paul Kraus used to help him survive mesothelioma. Paul Kraus survived mesothelioma for over 27 years.

  • Reviewed by Expert Doctor - Dr Zora DeGrandpre, MS, ND reveals why every single one of the 47 ingredients used in the Mesothelioma Survivors' Diet can help combat cancer.

  • Puts You Back In Control - It can feel like your world spins out of control when a mesothelioma diagnosis appears. This book and daily planner will help give structure back to your lives.

  • Completely Free - This cookbook is 100% free for mesothelioma patients, their caregivers and their loved ones.
mesothelioma recipes

Written By Paul & Sue Kraus

The World's Longest Living Survivor & His Wife

Paul Kraus is probably the most famous mesothelioma patient in the world because he has survived longer than anyone and only used non-conventional therapies. No surgery, radiation or chemo.  

Paul was diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma in the summer of 1997 at the age of 53. The surgeon told him that his abdomen was littered with tumors and there was not much that could be done. A radical surgery was suggested by one doctor, but he pointed out that the surgery was probably not going to cure Paul.  

(Note: the HIPEC procedure has had a dramatic impact in increasing life expectancy for peritoneal mesothelioma patients, but this procedure was not available in 1997).  

Rather than give up, Paul and his wife Sue set about researching as thoroughly as possible every aspect of mesothelioma. This research led Paul to consult with doctors all over the world. In time, a path to regain his health and manage his cancer emerged. This path included radical lifestyle changes, dietary changes, mind-body therapy, and some experimental modalities.  

Paul’s amazing recovery prompted many questions from other mesothelioma patients. How did he do it? What did he do? Paul wrote a book about his journey to health called “Surviving Mesothelioma.” A limited number of free copies are available to mesothelioma patients by calling 1-888-378-1331.  

Because Paul believes that his dietary therapies played a role in his recovery, he has described much of what he ate and drank in his latest book, the one you are holding. Credit must be given to his wife Sue. She did most of the work in finding and preparing these healthy recipes for nearly three decades.  

It is Paul and Sue's hope that this small book helps other people realize the importance of nutrition in their lives.

sue and paul kraus

Sue and Paul Kraus - 27 Year Mesothelioma Survivor

Paul playing tennis

In This Cookbook You Will Discover:

  • The Top 10 Recipes That Helped Paul Survive Mesothelioma. These are literally the recipes that the world's longest living survivor ate daily once he was diagnosed with mesothelioma.

  • The 2 Juices That You Should Drink Each Morning. After sharing your plans with your doctor, you can start juicing immediately, just as Paul did on his first day with mesothelioma.

  • The 47 Ingredients And Their Cancer Fighting Benefits. Dr Zora DeGrandpre, MS, ND has written an entire chapter on why these ingredients can help combat cancer.

  • Why This Diet Is Easy To Follow. From the very beginning of your diagnosis you need to be aware that diet plays an important part in healing your body. Paul writes on why you need to think about this anti-cancer diet as more of a lifestyle change.

  • An In-Depth Look At Why Food Can Be Your Medicine. Taking responsibility for what you feed your body is the most important aspect of any lifestyle change. This will give you a sense of empowerment that you are not just at the mercy of your doctor or surgeon, but that you have your own part to play in getting well again. 

Food can indeed be ‘medicine’.

sesame stuffed mushrooms - mesothelioma recipe

WARNING: We have very limited copies of these mesothelioma cookbooks. We often run out of supplies because this is the only cookbook written specifically for mesothelioma patients. Even though this is completely free, please do not discount the information in this book. We could easily charge $59.95 per copy. But it's yours today, free of charge. Request your copy now by clicking the button above.